11425 is the declaration number of a wind park in Niederkrüchten, Germany consisting of four Enercon E-115 wind turbines with a hub height of 149m. This photo series accompanies the visual highlights of the construction – it is not a detailed technical documentation of every single construction phase. I do feel obligated to point out that I did not have any special access to the sites and therefor worked from publicly accessible places around the turbines.
11425 is the declaration number of a wind park in Niederkrüchten, Germany consisting of four Enercon E-115 wind turbines with a hub height of 149m. This photo series accompanies the visual highlights of the construction – it is not a detailed technical documentation of every single construction phase. I do feel obligated to point out that I did not have any special access to the sites and therefor worked from publicly accessible places around the turbines.